Diet can be a very confusing word sometimes. We are constantly getting bombarded with advertising campaigns plugging low fat, no fat, low carb, high protein and other fad diets. The true meaning of diet is actually “the usual food and drink of a person or animal”.

In clinical practice the best results for weight loss are achieved with the true meaning of diet in mind, by making the food and drink of a person healthy and wholesome for good. Fad diets can have a very high success rate in the short term, however they are often too extreme or high maintenance to do long term, which often leads to regaining the weight again.

A “Diet” should therefore be considered more of a lifestyle change rather than a tool for you to lose weight. The best way to do this is by slowly substituting foods which promote weight gain for healthier alternatives.

The main culprits for weight gain are unfortunately carbohydrates, especially sugar, soft drinks and white flour products. These energy sources are easily converted to fat by the body so can lead to weight gain quite quickly.

Whole foods require more energy for the body to breakdown so are therefore ideal for weight loss, as well as general well being. A diet based on fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, organic meat and fish is therefore the basis for a healthy body and a healthy weight.

Remember that it is almost impossible to change your diet overnight and be able to stick to it. Choose one or two things to start off with and when you are comfortable try another couple. This is the best way to ensure you are making permanent changes for the better.

For a tailored dietary plan to suit your needs, call 07 33670337 and make an appointment with Katherine today!