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How we've helped shift people's health, and their lives.

Our patients are the heart of our Shift Brisbane naturopathy clinic.

Most of our patients come to us when they have tried the traditional healthcare system – the GP, specialist, GP, specialist roundabout – which has failed to help them improve their health and their symptoms.

At The Shift Clinic Brisbane, we take a different approach and spend a lot of time with our patients. We move through three phases of care: a Discover phase, Renew phase and an Arrive phase. Moving through these phases is different for every person but in the end, they experience profound changes in their health and their life.

It is my hope that from these stories you can get some insights and inspiration to make your next big shift too.

Meet Lisa Banner


Lisa came to us feeling disheartened,
ashamed and defeated.
Meet Bernadette


Bernadette came to me at Shift feeling demoralised and at a loss of what to do next.
Meet Hayley


By the time Hayley came to see me, she had been in and out of hospital more than 40 times.
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Get Well, Stay Well

Have you ever wanted to know the secret to getting and staying healthy? Do you want to be energetic and free from disease so you can get on with living your life the way that you want?

Want to shift your health?

Have you wanted to make a shift in your health for a while, but are confused about where to start? If so, our Brisbane naturopath services would be perfect for you.

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