
If you haven’t seen a Brisbane naturopath before, it can seem a bit confusing. Naturopathy is very different to what you’re used to in mainstream medicine.

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A naturopathic consultation is very different to a conventional doctor’s visit because your naturopath needs to know much more information to assess you holistically.

There are 3 parts to your initial consultation with our naturopathic team. First, we need to gather all of the information we can about you – your story, how you got here, what happened when and any other information helps us to understand what we’re dealing with.

Second, we will spend a lot of time and care to explain to you what we see going on in a way that you can understand. Naturopathic diagnostics allow us to really understand how the body works as a whole, and what we need to do to help you heal. It is then your naturopaths role to convey this to you so you get it too.

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Thirdly, and very importantly, we need to look at what we’re going to do about it. You’ll walk away with information on what dietary changes you need to make first, what tests you might need (or what you current ones mean) and what the path of treatment looks like. You wouldn’t go somewhere new without plugging it into google maps and this is exactly what this part is about – giving you a roadmap to healing.

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Ready to book an appointment?

If you’d like to learn more about our initial naturopathic appointment, which is a 90–minute in-depth Discovery and Diagnosis Session, click here. You can also book using the link below if you’re local to Brisbane. Otherwise, scroll below to learn more about how naturopaths work and how we can help you on your journey to great health!

Naturopathy dates back to 400BC, when naturopathic terms were taught by Hippocrates. Today the role of a naturopath is to use the healing power of nature to promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself, and promote total well being of the mind, body and spirit.

As naturopaths, Katherine and her team work with clients to address their health issues using natural medicines, dietary and lifestyle coaching to achieve the best state of health. Katherine and her naturopathic team are all Bachelor qualified (4 year degree) and have over 45 years of collective experience that they will use to determine your treatment plan.

Naturopathy is a holistic therapy that is beneficial for the treatment and management of many health issues including digestive disorders, immune dysfunction, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, fatigue and stress.

Watch this video where Katherine was interviewed at The Shift Clinic Brisbane about what a naturopath does for student edge. It sums up what a naturopath does day to day nicely!

Katherine and her team use a style of naturopathy that is individualised to each person, with your needs and desired outcomes a priority in treatment.

Herbal medicine dates back thousands of years and is still used by over 80% of people in the southern hemisphere as the first line of medical treatment according to the world health organization (WHO).

It involves the use of plants with medicinal properties to assist the body in the healing process. Different plant parts are used depending on the actives in the herb, for example, Echinacea is best used as a fluid extract of the root, as this is where the alkylamides (active constituent) are located. Using the correct plant types and parts is essential to a successful treatment which is one of the reasons why you see better results under the care of a qualified naturopath.

As herbalists, Katherine and her team will assess clients on an individual basis and as well as herbal medicine, treatments may include nutrients, flower essences, diet and lifestyle advice.

These treatments are aimed at helping the body to heal holistically so that you can feel vibrant, healthy and ready to cope with whatever life throws at you.

The team use both traditional knowledge and current research to determine treatments, using only treatments that are safe and effective, even in conjunction with other medications.

At The Shift Clinic Brisbane , Katherine and her team will work with you to tailor treatment to suit your individual needs, with your good health in mind.

During your first consultation your naturopath will:

  • Discuss the health issues most important to you
  • Discuss your health history
  • Discuss your family history
  • Ask you questions about relevant body systems to gain a better understanding of your condition
  • Perform Nail and Tongue analysis, which verifies processes occurring in the body
  • Perform Iridology, which involves looking into the iris to determine the health of the body
  • Take your blood pressure
  • Refer you for any necessary blood or other testing
  • Discuss any medications that you take to ensure that treatments will not interact with them
  • Explain your health issues from a naturopathic perspective and discuss the implications of this
  • Make a tailored treatment plan to suit you
  • Give you tailored dietary advice, including recipes and handouts with guidelines to assist you
  • Provide ongoing support to ensure maximum efficacy of treatment

Many people who visit Katherine’s clinic have never been to a naturopath or herbalist before and are really surprised at how good you can actually feel! It is not normal to have low energy or be feeling out of whack, and you too can discover how good it feels to be free from dis-ease and live life to your fullest potential.

There are many reasons that you might come and see Katherine. From low energy or indigestion to complex diseases and infertility, Katherine can help you achieve a better state of health and improve your quality of life.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are just brilliant… I have had a couple of great sleeps not disturbed by any hot flushes and I’m only getting a few mild flushes during the day. Sometimes I wonder if I’m actually having a flush at all or whether it is just warm. Thanks again. I just wanted to let you know how happy I have been with your treatment and especially the results”
-HF, Brisbane

Every person is unique so consultation times may vary slightly, however usually an initial consultation will take approximately 90 minutes, and is very thorough.

If you are a couple that are both coming in for fertility care, your initial appointment will be 2 hours long and will include both partners.

Katherine heads up the naturopathic team at The Shift Clinic Brisbane, a complete natural health care center in Milton.

Availability can be limited, so please call us at 07 3367 0337 to arrange a time for your appointment.

Alternatively, you can use the appointment request form to request your appointment via email.

Katherine and her team offer phone or online (like Skype, but easier) consultations to clients who live in remote areas and need a naturopathic appointment with her or her team.This works just as well as a face to face and we can then express post your herbs and supplements along with anything else you need.

To learn more about the Discovery and Diagnosis Session and pay and book for your appointment online, check out this page here.

So that Katherine and her team can best assess your needs please bring with you any recent blood test results or other test results. If you do not have copies usually your doctor will be able to post or email a copy out to you.

Taking note of or bringing in any medications and supplements that you are taking will also help Katherine in determining your treatment plan.

Making an appointment is easy. Simply call 07 3367 0337 or use the appointment request form to organize your appointment via email.

Booking your appointment is your first step to better health and well being, so call 07 3367 0337 now to begin your journey towards good health!

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I’m ready to take the next step. How can I book an appointment?

Making an appointment with us is easy. Simply call 07 3367 0337 or use the appointment request form to organise your appointment via email.

We look forward to helping you on your journey towards good health!

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Get Well, Stay Well

Have you ever wanted to know the secret to getting and staying healthy? Do you want to be energetic and free from disease so you can get on with living your life the way that you want?

Want to shift your health?

Have you wanted to make a shift in your health for a while, but are confused about where to start? If so, our Brisbane naturopath services would be perfect for you.

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