Green smoothies are an excellent addition to a healthy diet. They are high in minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium which are more easily absorbed due to the blending process. Green smoothies are very easy to make – all you need is some green leafy veggies, fruit, water and ice. You can also make green smoothies with veggies and there are many superfoods that you can add to them to make them even more nutritious.



  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius, and grease or line a 12 hole muffin tin.
  2. In a large bowl, place all dry ingredients – flour, oats, baking powder, bicarb, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together eggs, honey, yoghurt and oil, then stir through the banana.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until combined.
  5. Spoon into a greased muffin pan, top with rolled oats if desired.
  6. Place in oven and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.
  7. Take out of the oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire cooling rack.

High Protein Muffins These muffins are a great snack, being high in protein and free of sugar and wheat. Wholegrain spelt flour is much higher in protein than wheat which helps to increase the protein content of these muffins. Enjoy!



  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius, and grease or line a 12 hole muffin tin.
  2. In a large bowl, place all dry ingredients – flour, protein powder, oats, baking powder, bicarb, cinnamon and salt.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together eggs, honey, yoghurt and oil.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until combined.
  5. Spoon into greased muffin pan, top with rolled oats if desired.
  6. Place in oven and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.
  7. Take out of oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire cooling rack.



Labna is a cheese which is easily made from yoghurt. It has the benefits of containing good bacteria that is beneficial for your gut, and is easier to digest than most other cheeses.

You will need:


You can mix in pepper, herbs, chilli, garlic, or anything else you might like into the yogurt to make a flavoured labna.


  1. Place the amount of yoghurt that you wish to make into cheese onto the muslin, then bunch the ends and hang to something with a bowl beneath it to catch the water (a pot with a lid can work well for this).
  2. Leave overnight, or until cheese has become firm and most liquid has been drained
  3. If you live in a warmer climate, you may need to hang it in the fridge
  4. Store in a sterile airtight container in the fridge

Serving suggestions

This smoothie makes a great breakfast or snack, and takes minutes to prepare. It works best if you peel and freeze the banana, to give it a thicker consistency.



  1. Grind nuts to a powder in blender
  2. Add lecithin (if using)
  3. Add cacao nibs and powder.
  4. Add enough water to cover blades of blender and blend until smooth.
  5. Add frozen banana slices and just enough water to blend.
  6. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  7. Scrape into a tall glass and drink immediately.

Try these recipes to help fight the flu this winter!

Honey, lemon and ginger drink

Yes, an oldie but a goodie. For best results, stir the honey through once the drink is slightly cooled.

Cut lemon into pieces, put in a mug and crush slightly to release the juice. Add sliced ginger and pour boiled water over the top. Add honey last when cool.

Sore throat tea and gargle

Immune boosting smoothie

High in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, this smoothie is both nutritious and delicious!
In a blender put:

Blend until smooth

For more information about colds and influenza, click here.

Muesli is a great breakfast food, but most store bought varieties are high in sugar, preservatives and even artificial flavours and colorings. Making your own is easy, and you can change it day to day or week to week. Either have the ingredients seperate and make it on the spot or mix up a batch for a quick and delicious breakfast.

Step 1: The muesli base

Use some of the following as a base. As a rule, oats are great (unless gluten intolerant) and if you are gluten intolerant use only the grains marked GF.

Rolled Oats (GF)Puffed Amaranth (GF)Puffed Brown Rice
Rice Flakes (GF)Natural Corn Flakes (GF)Puffed Spelt
Puffed KamutPuffed BuckwheatPuffed Millet (GF)
Quinoa Flakes (GF)  
Step 2: Add some nuts and seeds

Adding nuts and seeds gives your muesli protein. You can also add LSAP to your muesli to give more it protein and beneficial fats.

AlmondsWalnutsPecan Nuts
PepitasCashewsSunflower Seeds
HazelnutsMacadamia NutsSesame Seeds
Brazil NutsPoppy SeedsChia Seeds
Step 3: Add some fruit

Fresh fruit is best as dried fruit is quite concentrated in sugar. If you do have dried fruit, remember to have only as much as you would fresh (i.e. if you would eat 3 apricots at once then eat only 3 dried ones). Berries are particuarly beneficial, with frozen ones fine to use.


  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Kiwifruit
  • Banana
  • Figs


  • Goji Berries
  • Apricots
  • Sultanas
  • Figs
  • Dates
  • Cranberries
  • Coconut

Stewed Fruit

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Rhubarb
Step 4: Milk or yoghurt

You can either have your muesli with milk or yoghurt, or even both. Rice, oat or almond milk is best, but if you are having dairy milk make sure it is full fat and either A2 milk or certified organic milk.

You can make a bircher muesli by soaking your muesli overnight in apple juice or yoghurt, you can even add grated apple, grated pear or berries to the mix.

Use some raw unfiltered honey to sweeten if you like. Powdered ginger and cinnamon are also a great addition to your muesli.

These muffins are free from, sugar, wheat and even dairy if you choose, but taste fantastic! They are a great source of calcium and fibre, so are great for kids lunchboxes or morning tea!

Makes 12



  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius. Grease muffin pan and set aside.
  2. Place dates, butter/oil and water in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Once boiling turn off, let cool slightly and add bicarb soda.
  3. In a bowl, sift flour, baking soda and cinnamon, then stir in coconut. Make a well in the centre.
  4. Add dates mixture, eggs and banana to the well and stir through until combined.
  5. Spoon mixture into muffin pans. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until you insert a skewer and it comes out clean.
  6. Leave to rest for a few minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack, or eat!

I love making these muffins! They are high in fibre and iron, sugar free and can be made without wheat and dairy too!



  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees celcius and grease a 12 hole muffin tin with oil and flour.
  2. In a small saucepan, place the prunes, orange juice and rind, vanilla,water and butter/oils. Bring to the boil then reduce heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Turn off heat and allow to cool slightly, then add bicarbonate soda and stir through.
  4. In a bowl, sift flour and baking soda. Add oat bran and make a well in the middle.
  5. To the prune mix, add honey and rice milk. Stir through. Once the mix is cool enough to touch stir through egg yolks.
  6. Add wet mix to dry ingredients in the bowl, and stir gently until well combined.
  7. Spoon mix into muffin tray. Place in the oven and bake for20-30 minutes, or until you stick a skewer in and it comes out clean.
  8. Remove from oven and let muffins sit in the tray for a few minutes, before removing and placing on a cooling rack.
TIP: If you are using rice bran or macadamia oil, add with the honey and rice milk, not at the start.

These Bliss Balls are a great treat, satisfying the sweet tooth without any added sugar! they are also packed with protein, low GI and taste great of course!



  1. In a small bowl, place dried fruit and enough hot water just to cover. Soak for at least 20 minutes.
  2. In a food processor, place macadamia nuts ans sunflower seeds. Process until fine,with a crumb like consistency. Remove from processor and set aside.
  3. Place the soaked dried fruit in the food processor, but keep the water aside, adding just a few drops. Process into a paste.
  4. Add the tahini, chlorella and chia seeds and process until combined.
  5. Add amaranth and crushed nuts and seeds into the food processor. On the lowest speed, mix until combined. If the mix is too dry add a little of the fruit water. if it looks too wet add some more amaranth.
  6. Once combined remove blades from processor.
  7. Place dessicated coconut or sesame seeds in a small bowl. Using your hands, roll a small amount of the mix between your palms into a ball. Coat with coconut.
  8. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
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