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Preconception health care

Pre Conception Health Care Program

Katherine loves working with couples who have decided to start or expand their family and uses a variety of techniques to promote a healthy conception and pregnancy.

Having optimum nutrition and general health is the best way to ensure that a healthy pregnancy is achieved and that your baby has the best chance of good health.

Katherine finds that the best way to achieve this is with a healthy diet and lifestyle, but often uses herbs, nutrients, and other interventions to help a couple in their quest for a healthy conception.

Studies have shown that good preconception care can improve your chances of falling pregnant, with 81% of previously infertile couples being able to fall pregnant with natural fertility management according to the foresight study.

Research is strongly indicating that your health prior to conception has huge impacts on the health of your child, from immune issues as children to have a higher chance of developing the disease as adults. Ensuring that your health is optimum prior to conceiving is the only way to ensure you have given your child the very best start to life.

Make an appointment

How do I make an appointment to see Katherine?

Call 07 3367 0337 or click here to book your appointment to see Katherine in her Brisbane clinic today.

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